What new at Rainstorm Film ?
As Rainstorm Film has been thriving up to more than 10 years with many success projects, multiple wave of employee generation, many of new trainer now become senior, we feel happy that we act and being a part to contribute into community all out best despite we are still a small & young business within real estate market as primary and the rest as marketing.
Now and more day by day with experience and our growth in both production experience and know how at our local market, to build a whole group from zero to hundred people work on a project, contribute into success of our client campaign, we act like an agency that can help and consult our client take safe way that security during development both in finance and production management.
As always you can reach our architectural rendering here at – not all of our rendering will be present on website as we love to interact more with social so our work much scattering around earned channel more than centralize just on our website: https://www.flickr.com/photos/phamduongvu
Video production that been reduce risk and make our client happy demonstration here: https://www.youtube.com/user/rainstormfilmstudios/videos
Our team of director, producer, director of photography and camera crew could help cut cost and fast production for any type of project still delivery quality and elegant as cheap is not our method. Still we say our delivery budge always affordable. Our client always happy to share with us their…