Back to 2003, 2004 in Vietnam, not much people or designer understand what is Motion Graphics, the term now become much more popular present day (2011) as together with the help of Flash technologies, Web design – motion graphics help designers propose their stuffs more easily or to help a project on running for promoting in sale and run banner all over the world wide web – (aka. WEB FLASH BANNER). Still motion graphics within video and logo animation not a very big topic like other design stuffs, designer still not recognize its exist or in a very simple aspect.
To me Motion Graphics does a lot of thing within a limited budget and time also, and there – designer can living their dream, their own kingdom : animation logo, title animation (film/movie/video), tvc, jingle or breaking news, other stuffs in need of clean and quick chop and mostly we can see motion graphics appearing everyday on broadcast (Television Channel).
A sample of Motion Graphics we can see here in video game, artist is very clever to do such a beauty work like this, combine artwork and real cgi animation into one single frame and tell his/her story that people keep trying to imaging more :
watch?v=A0f43VTT1FI (youtube link)
Rainstorm Film love work on motion graphics and have touch on Cinema 4D together with some fantastic other particular tool.
From a small conversation with one of Rainstorm Film member, he/she is not an artist as all but this is what he found during on the path of seeking knowledge (is he a mage or wizard ? hungry for knowledge ???):
“Motion Plus Design” is a project to create a exhibition center dedicated to Motion Design World (in Paris, france)
Website :
Get involved via facebook :
Mail : contact@motion-plus-design.comThis project proposes to open the world of motion design to the general public. This is a non-profit project. Our goal is to create a real space devoted to motion design. Students, professionals and anyone interested could discover artists, meet and learn. This centre will also provide an opportunity to promote artists in other design departments so the different graphic design worlds could cross. To make it real we need your support! The more we are, the more the project’s got chances to exist!
Great stuffs, great design, great post and yes, great motion graphics …